An Introduction to Remote Viewing


David Kingston 

When the subject of Remote Viewing is mentioned a majority of people automatically think of Captain David Morehouse who immortalised Remote Viewing with his factual book, The Psychic Warrior.  The book reveals the truth behind "Project Stargate."  This was one of the many intelligence code names for the operation in which operatives were trained and used Remote Viewing as another spying technique.

We, as a race of people, have discarded without thought, or sometimes knowledge, some of our most important and essential skills. We now only see with our eyes, ignoring our minds, or feel with our hands, disregarding our instincts and believing only what these limited senses allow us to see, and yet so much passes us by mostly without our knowledge. The ability to view things distant in time and space is only one of these skills. Remote Viewing can start to re-awaken these dormant skills that one possesses. I, and many other trained Remote Viewers, believe very strongly that this skill should be used for the good of mankind, something that can be achieved with this technique.

Imagine being able to tell what's happening at a distance, or being able to intimately describe any event in the past or the future from the comfort of your own home, using only your mind! Over 20 years ago, the U.S. military decided to see if they could train people to be "psychic spies" who could do such things. They spent over 20 million dollars of taxpayer money to research and test this idea, and in the course of this research, they found out that anyone could "learn" to be a psychic spy using a special set of techniques. Controlled (also "Coordinate") Remote Viewing. Controlled remote viewing (CRV)--together with its derivatives--is probably the most widely known and practiced of the varieties of remote viewing methodologies. CRV was originally known as "coordinate" remote viewing, because the primary mechanism for targeting viewers was the geographic coordinates of the target's location. After the government program became public knowledge in 1995, the name was changed from "coordinate" to "controlled" to reflect the broader aspects of the methodology. CRV was developed beginning in the mid-to-late 70s. As Stanford Research Institutes (SRI) research revealed the promising aspects of remote viewing, it seemed reasonable to explore ways to develop the skill that some people seemed innately to have in others who had not yet demonstrated the ability. Working closely together, Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann worked out a structured approach to remote viewing that promised to make the skill transferable and teachable. This method was used to train military personnel and government civilians to become effective remote viewers, and became a major RV methodology employed for the last 11 years of the government program. CRV is based on the notion that one does not train someone to be "psychic," but rather teaches a person to "expand the parameters" of his or her perceptions. Information obtained through CRV is carried to the viewer on a theorized "signal line" which the viewer's subconscious detects. The goal of CRV is to facilitate the transfer of information from the viewer's subconscious, across the threshold of awareness, and into waking consciousness, where it can be "decoded" into a form the viewer can express intelligibly. Viewers are trained how to deal with--in other words, control--the mental "noise" encountered in the course of the remote viewing session. To implement this process, CRV is structured as a set of formal stages, which correspond to the progressively deeper levels of awareness the viewer, goes through as he or she gains ever-greater contact with the RV signal line. A typical description of these stages is as follows:

Stage 1Perception of basic, overall nature of the site or target (usually referred to as the "major gestalt"). Examples of these major gestalts might be "land," "structure," "water," "event," etc.

Stage 2Basic sensory perceptions--tastes, sounds, colours, qualities of light, textures, temperatures, etc.

Stage 3Perception of the site's or target's dimensional qualities--i.e.. height, breadth, width, depth, angularity, curvature, density, etc. Sketching of viewer perceptions is an important aspect of this stage.

Stage 4 Perception of increasingly complex and abstract perceptions about the site or target.

Stage 5"Interrogation" of the signal line. Allows details of the target to be more fully explored.

Stage 6.  Allows further sketching of aspects of the site or target, while acquiring further qualitative information.

Various derivatives of the original Swann/Puthoff methodology have re-ordered some of the stages, made alterations to some of the content, and introduced changes in the vocabulary originally adopted by SRI. However, the overall intent of each of these derivatives remains the same as the original version of CRV. One of the wonderful things about RV is that virtually anyone can learn to do it. Much like studying the piano or art, nearly all of us have the capability to acquire the techniques and put them into practice. There are those who might not believe this. You often hear people say they can't learn to play the piano or even to "draw a straight line" or to remote view because they don't have "the talent." But what really gets in the way is almost always merely a simple a lack of time, motivation, or energy to devote to learning the principles and then practicing them enough to become proficient.  

How does it work?

Lately, we've heard two extreme claims about Remote Viewing.  One says that it doesn't work. The other says it works all the time. The truth is really in between although closer to the positive end of the scale. After long practice, experienced viewers can access a target nearly one hundred percent of the time. This does not mean their data is 100% accurate, nor does it necessarily mean they get all the data they were looking for. All it means is that they retrieve information indicating that they were "there." However, these experienced viewers regularly obtain extremely accurate, often error-free information from the target.   I have yet to meet an experienced Remote Viewer who is 100% accurate all the time despite their claims. Even novice viewers may surprise themselves at the accuracy of some of their sessions. Though we anticipate beginners will perform less consistently than those who are more accomplished, we also expect them to frequently turn out commendable results. The bottom line is that, unless there is some sort of physical or mental handicap that prevents it, almost anyone can learn to play piano at least competently, can learn to draw aesthetically, and can learn to remote view reasonably effectively. It just takes desire, time, being able to relax, a good teacher, and the belief that it is at least possible. Where does the information come from that enables the Remote Viewer to be successful? It is received from what is commonly known amongst Remote Viewers as the Matrix.

The Matrix is really a field of pure information, not energy. It underlies and structures all energetic processes. As such our instruments cannot yet detect it. It is really the realm of the mythic ether (implicate realm) that physicists know should exist but has not yet been experimentally detected.  The Matrix of life is projected and connected to each perceptual individual consciousness through a thought/supercomputer (The Matrix) that interacts with its sensory input/output individual computer (the brain).

Consciousness provides the energy of life.

Original Consciousness has unfathomable number of connections to the General Thought/Supercomputer. Each connection will be projected for a perceptual lifetime into a story/creation thinking that it is a particular character experiencing a particular life, surrounded by particular entities and reality within an illusory space/time Holographic Virtual Reality.  The Creation and the individual will be given a certain history of linearly coherent perceptual history and a sense of possible probable futures. The act of using these techniques, and describing anything, anytime, and any person or being, is called "remote viewing." The word "viewing" is not the best description of this process, because the remote viewer not only gets images, they can also perceive smells, tastes, sounds, and all the other senses as well as emotional and conceptual data. Typically, the person doing the psychic "travelling" is called a remote viewer. The remote viewer often works with a monitor, which is a person who guides them around the target site. The person who decides what the viewer is going to visit is called the tasker. The place that the viewer is meant to describe is called the target, or the objective. One of the things about the whole process is that the viewer is usually "blind," meaning that he or she has no idea where they are going to travel with her mind! It could be anything! Anyplace! Anytime! And yet, they can describe all the aspects of the target in detail!

 David Kingston after completing and passing a course on Remote Viewing in 1998 decided to start teaching people the subject but felt he required more experience. He completed another course on tutoring Remote Viewing and then felt more confident to train others in the art of Remote Viewing. Previous students have attended for the courses for the following personal reasons: to enhance their psychic qualities, healing abilities, assisting in finding lost animals and people but mainly to awaken the skills our ancestors used in everyday life.

As the courses are very intensive each student is encouraged to keep in touch with each other, we all know that it is after you have passed your driving test that you start to learn to drive. He runs courses in Dorset, England and they are held twice a year, May and October. No student during the last five years has failed to obtain a certificate pass. Each introductory course extends over eight days, four consecutive weekends, and carries a certificate pass. I limit the number of students to twelve persons per course, larger groups, I found to be detrimental to the quality of teaching and stressful for the students attending.  For those students who have access to the internet I place a monthly target on his web site.

Full details of courses held twice yearly (May & October) in Dorset are available by contacting David, giving your full postal address so that he is  able to post you the full details. How is it going cost?

Where are the Remote Viewing courses held in Dorset?

Accommodation in the area for you whilst attending the course:

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